It is always our aim at St Michael’s to keep our school open in cases of bad weather, but there may be occasions when the schools will need to close if there is heavy snow or other extreme conditions. It is not necessary for all staff to reach school but we do need to have sufficient staff in school to ensure that children are safe. Some members of staff live some distance from school and it is possible that they may not be able to reach school in the event of severe weather. The safety and well-being of our whole community is always our primary concern.
The Head teacher and members of the Senior Leadership Team liaise about school closure and will aim to make a decision at the earliest possible time.
If the school needs to close, all families will be informed via Class Dojo, along with the school website. Parents/Carers can also look on the Emergency School Closures page on the Essex County Council website for a list of all school closures in Essex. It is very important that you keep us updated with any changes of mobile numbers/emails addresses and that you make sure your primary contact phone remains charged and switched on. Occasionally parents/carers do not receive messages because their phone is turned off or because they have changed their numbers.
If the school remains open and you do not feel that it is safe for you to travel then please let us know. It may be possible for you to walk into school even if you normally drive but we realise that this is not an option for everyone. Please try not to phone the school office to check if the school is open. We need to keep the phone lines open to ensure that staff can call in and so that we can make emergency arrangements.
Please make sure that your children come to school over the winter with warm clothing, including hats and gloves. If it does snow, we shall be enjoying the opportunity to spend time outside together.
We would like you to remember that we will be keeping the school open wherever possible.
It is always our aim at St Michael’s to keep our school open in cases of bad weather, but there may be occasions when the schools will need to close if there is heavy snow or other extreme conditions. It is not necessary for all staff to reach school but we do need to have sufficient staff in school to ensure that children are safe. Some members of staff live some distance from school and it is possible that they may not be able to reach school in the event of severe weather. The safety and well-being of our whole community is always our primary concern.
The Head teacher and members of the Senior Leadership Team liaise about school closure and will aim to make a decision at the earliest possible time.
If the school needs to close, all families will be informed via Class Dojo, along with the school website. Parents/Carers can also look on the Emergency School Closures page on the Essex County Council website for a list of all school closures in Essex. It is very important that you keep us updated with any changes of mobile numbers/emails addresses and that you make sure your primary contact phone remains charged and switched on. Occasionally parents/carers do not receive messages because their phone is turned off or because they have changed their numbers.
If the school remains open and you do not feel that it is safe for you to travel then please let us know. It may be possible for you to walk into school even if you normally drive but we realise that this is not an option for everyone. Please try not to phone the school office to check if the school is open. We need to keep the phone lines open to ensure that staff can call in and so that we can make emergency arrangements.
Please make sure that your children come to school over the winter with warm clothing, including hats and gloves. If it does snow, we shall be enjoying the opportunity to spend time outside together.
We would like you to remember that we will be keeping the school open wherever possible.