The Early Years is made up of a Nursery class and a Reception class, where children are able to join us from the age of 3. We are in two different rooms called Woodpeckers and Robins. Our teachers are called Mrs Whipp and Ms Pattenden. The learning support assistants in our unit are Mrs Robertson and Mrs Bell.
Every week we take part in helicopter stories, this is where the children write their own stories. These are scribed by an adult before all the children help to bring their stories to life by acting them out:
“Helicopter stories is tried, tested and proven to have a significant impact on children’s literacy and communication skills, their confidence and social and emotional development.” Trisha Lee
Dough disco involves moulding play dough in time to music and performing different actions such as rolling it into a ball, flattening it, putting each individual finger into the dough, rolling it into a sausage and squeezing it.
This activity helps to strengthen children’s fine motor muscles to enable them to develop their pencil grip which in turn will help to develop their writing skills. But most of all it’s fun!
Here’s a simple recipe for you to make play dough at home:
Mix all of the ingredients together in a saucepan. Stir the mixture over a low heat until it comes away from the sides of the pan.
Tip the dough out and leave it to cool slightly.
Store the play dough in an air-tight container or plastic bag and let your child use it every day (it should keep for about a week).
Squiggle whilst you Wiggle is a kinaesthetic approach to stimulate early writing. It encourages children to focus on making large scale movements to music. The children then mirror these movements using pens on paper. It is the first stage in handwriting practice delivered in a super fun, lively way and it has been shown to increase handwriting confidence and progress.
We use Read Write Inc to teach the children how to read in St Michael’s. Here is a link to a parents guide explaining how phonics is taught.
The children in Robins are making great progress with learning their letter sounds. This video shows you how to say all the letter sounds that we teach the children at St Michael’s.
We enjoy exploring numbers and numerical patterns through play. The children enjoy counting activities every day and are learning how to subitise numbers.
Subitising is the ability to instantaneously recognise the number of objects in a small group without the need to count them. An example often used to explain this, is to think of a die – we immediately recognise the number of dots without having to count each one individually.
The children arew always encouraged and supported to write about a variety of topics and are encourage to come up with their own adventures each day.
Each half-term a story is selected as a part of our Talk for Writing learning for the children to investigate in depth over a period of weeks. We explore the book in detail and engage the children in a variety of activities such as role play, vocabulary building, making predictions and questioning.
Uniform – Please put your child’s name in everything you bring to school. This makes it easier to trace mislaid items.
During this term we have been building positive and respectful relationships and learning how to express our feelings. We have been learning how to look after ourselves to support our health and well being. We have also been learning how to keep our bodies healthy and how to keep our teeth clean.
As a class we have created and have been learning how to use our Talk Guidelines:
· We look and listen.
· We take turns when speaking.
· We speak with a just right volume.
During the second half of the Autumn term we have been learning how to use talk tokens to help us take turns to talk and ensure that everyone is heard.
We have learnt lots of moves in our Squiggle sessions – straight lines, wiggles, circles and arches. During our hall time we have been learning to move the gymnastics equipment safely and use it to move in different ways and jump safely.
In the second half of the Autum term we learnt how to use colour and feelings in dance and respond using our emotions and actions. We explored animal movements through dance using different levels and directions.
We have read lots of books this term and enjoy our visits to the library. In Talk 4 Reading we have read these books:
In our Talk 4 Writing sessions we have learnt to retell these traditional stories:
We have been learning to match and sort objects in different ways. We have been copying patterns, repeating patterns and creating our own patterns. We have been learning to subitise numbers to 5 and exploring how to find one more/less using objects. We have learnt about a variety of different 2D shapes such as circles, triangles, squares and rectangles.
We have talked about our families and who lives in our homes. During our Wild Wood sessions we have been exploring our outdoor classroom area and found out what trees we have in the area. The children have learnt how to use leaf IDs and magnifying glasses to look closely at the leaves. We went on an Autumn walk in the local area to look at the features of this season and go on a litter pick to help clean our local community.
During the Autumn Term we learnt about the following celebrations:
In our music sessions we have been exploring how they can use their voice and bodies to make sounds, experiment with tempo and dynamic when playing instruments, identify sounds in the environment and differentiate between them. During the second half of the Autumn term we have been learning about music from different cultures and to respond to music through movement, their voices and instruments. We have been learning to use different media to create pictures such as pencils, crayons, chalk and paint. We have learnt about a variety of different techniques to use such as painting with our bodies and paintbrushes and how to print using paint.
Woodpeckers Class
Autumn Term Learning
Communication and Language
We have been trying to use our good listening ears, good looking eyes and good stinting skills as per our Talk Guidelines. We are earning to take turns when speaking to someone else.
Personal, Social and Emtional development
The first half term is all about separating from our main career with support, and learning the rules and routine of the setting.
Physical Development
We are developing our gross and fine motor skills through drawing, painting and other activities.We are learning to run and moving safely around the rooom.
We share books and stories everyday. In Talk for Writing we have learnt and mapped the following rhymes, Little Miss Muffet, Humpty Dumpter and I had a little nut tree.
We have practised subitising to 3, exploring the sequence of numbers through songs.
Understanding the World
We talked about our families and people that are important to us. We explore the outdoor world in our Forest Fun Friday sessions.
Expressive Art and Design
We have used a variety of media to create pictures of us and our families. We have used instruments whilst singing our favourite nursery rhymes.